11 February 2011

And now?

So, coeliac antibody test was negative.  FS suggested I still see a gastroenterologist but I have been feeling a bit better with the 'no carbs at night' and no dairy that the naturopath recommended.  Plus I still have to get in to see my GP.  I try to see the same doctor but it's hard with work, unless I'm actually off work sick.

As far as trying to have a baby is concerned she suggested we just try for 6 months and call her after 6 months or when we get a BFP, whichever comes first.  Trying to decide how I feel about this.  It's hard to feel excited when you've been let down 3 times.  Also the naturopath suggested we wait 6 weeks and it's only been 2, but by the time O comes around again it should be about 6 weeks.  I said to DH we might end up making a Tassie baby.  He said "ok, but we're not calling the child 'Hobart' or 'Launceston'."  Hmm, funny but...pregnancy = baby?  That's a novel concept?  But I guess we've got to try to keep a sense of humour about it...

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